Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Poison and the Antidote

Do you ever suspect, as I do, that some people get into the fashion industry for the sole purpose of having more opportunities to loathe women? I cam across a particularly hateful example of this the other day. Ruth La Ferla a “fashion writer” for The New York Times said,
“Ms. Danes ... turn[ed] out in a Giorgio Armani tulle confection that showed off an ethereal, if slightly skeletal, frame. What Ms. Danes lacked in pulchritude, Lena Dunham of “Girls” supplied in abundance, wearing a coral-rose-patterned Prada gown that (somewhat sloppily) showed off her curves.” (Big thank you to Charlotte Cowles and NY Magazine for outing this absurdly hate-filed article.)

Read Ms. La Ferla’s words again. It is so barely about fashion. Fashion is only the conduit by which she can get to what she really wants to say. That these women, these successful talented women, are not okay. Neither is she. Neither are you. She cannot help but splatter her own feelings of unworthiness all over everyone else. The stink of her self-loathing reeks as badly as burning hair.

Newsflash: People are different. They have different skin colors and body sizes and genitals. And that cannot be NEWS and that has to be OKAY. Because WTF. It just is.

And! Hold onto your hats folks, cause this is where is gets really scary… Remember when they used to tell you that it didn’t matter what color you were because inside we are all just the same. Well guess what? We are NOT all the same. And that has to be ok too.

Thank god this is what followed in my social media newsfeed: This is Miss Sequinette Jaynefield. Weird. Idiosyncratic. Singularly Gorgeous.
Thank you, Sequinette! You are the antidote to the social poison Ruth La Ferlatried to pour in my tea. Fashion is something that goes in and out, but true Style is forever. Flawless!!!

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